10Jun, 2015
Collocation hosting - web traffic

Collocation hosting - web traffic

What is the importance of web traffic when selecting the storage providers servers?

Internet data traffic is the amount of data sent and received by visitors to the website which stored on a web server. Web traffic is determined by the number of visitors, number of page views or number of images and files which downloaded by users and web surfers.

The volume of data traffic is an important characteristic when choosing a storage provider. The maximum number of visitors on your site who watching pictures, listening to media files and downloading files is directly dependent in allocation of web traffic (which measured in Giga bytes) for a single month.

For example, if your website has a pictures gallery, it is necessary to take into consideration the size of each image and double it with the number of visitors who view it. (viewing, in most cases means downloading the image to the local computer of the user, any viewing decreases the monthly volume of traffic that was allocated to you).

* Note! WEBSTUFF ISRAEL server collocation service is not limiting the monthly web traffic, so it is recommended to choose it as a storage provider.




07 Mar, 2024


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